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Welcoming a New Member to the UC Leather Family

by Clay West 13 Aug 2024 0 Comments

At UC Leather Company, family has always been at the heart of everything we do. From the craftsmanship that goes into each piece of leather to the relationships we build with our customers, it's all about creating something lasting and meaningful. Today, we are thrilled to share some incredibly special news with you all.

My wife and I are overjoyed to announce that we are expecting our first child—a little girl who will be joining us in the coming months. Her name will be Harper, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome her into the world and into the UC Leather family.

As we prepare for this new chapter, we can’t help but reflect on the importance of family, heritage, and tradition—values that we’ve always held close to our hearts and that have guided UC Leather from the very beginning. Just as our products are designed to be passed down through generations, we look forward to passing down our love for craftsmanship, quality, and the beauty of leather to our daughter.

Harper will undoubtedly bring a new dimension of love and inspiration to our lives, and we’re eager to see how she’ll influence UC Leather in the years to come. We imagine her one day running through our workshop, the smell of rich leather in the air, surrounded by the products and the people who make UC Leather what it is. Who knows, maybe she’ll even have a hand in designing her own collection one day!

As we prepare to expand our family, we’re reminded that UC Leather isn’t just about the products we create—it’s about the community we’ve built together. We’re incredibly grateful to each and every one of you for being a part of this journey with us. Your support means the world to us, and we can’t wait to share more about our growing family and the exciting times ahead.

Thank you for being a part of our story. Here’s to the future, to family, and to welcoming little Harper to UC Leather.

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